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Ryuichi Sakamoto  |  SKU: FYU02I-L7XG-01  |  Código de barras: 4549767338279

Better Days Of RYUICHI SAKAMOTO (2LP) [Vinyl]

5557 5699
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Fecha de lanzamiento: 03/14/2025

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A selection of Sakamoto's works from his time on Nippon Columbia's Better Days label, including his debut album "Thousand Knives" and his session group "KYLYN" with Watanabe Kazumi, is released on vinyl for the first time in a 2LP format.

Original release: COCA-10561 (1992/12/21)

A1, A2, B1, D2, D4 from Ryuichi Sakamoto "Thousand Knives" YX-7586 (1978/10/25)

B2 from Kazumi Watanabe + Ryuichi Sakamoto "TOKYO JOE" YK-120 (1979/7/1)

B3, C1, C3, D3 from Kazumi Watanabe + Ryuichi Sakamoto "KYLYN" YX-7595 (1979/6/25)

C2 from Kazumi Watanabe + Ryuichi Sakamoto "KYLYN LIVE" YB-7507 (1979/11/25)

D1 from Ryuichi Sakamoto + Danceries "THE END OF ASIA" YF-7045 (1982/2/25)

  • UPC: 4549767338279
  • Format: Vinyl
  • Genre: Rock

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